Sunday School

Faith Formation

St. Luke’s Sunday School believes in bringing the bible basics to your children for free. Remember those basic bible stories that stuck with you through your entire child hood? Bible stories like Noah and the ark, Moses and the red sea or the burning bush, Daniel and the lion’s den and many more? We strive to recreate lasting bible literacy with our children so that they know these basic stories and the meaning behind them. At the core of each Sunday School lesson and bible story is the message that God loves them, God supports them, God cares for them and so do we!

Sunday School is offered Sundays at 9:55am – 11:00am and parents are strongly encouraged to attend worship at our 10:00am service.

Our Sunday School classrooms are held in our school building starting with opening devotions in the gym and then taken by their teachers to the classrooms for their lesson. All children ages 3 years old to 5th grade are welcome to attend classes. At 6th grade students transition into our confirmation classes held on Tuesdays night and Sundays after church. For more information about confirmation click here.

Children also attend worship services in church on a rotating schedule to experience what worship is all about. The smaller children receive booklets during worship to help them focus and learn while also participating in the worship experience.

Volunteer Opportunities

Faith Formation is always looking for volunteers. If you are looking for a weekly commitment or a one-time deal at a church event, we need you.

We are in need of the following:

  • Sunday School teachers and assistants.
  • Volunteers to help with the following events:
    • Advent Wreath Making
    • Sankta Lucia
    • Pretzel Sunday
    • Holy Week activities
    • Easter Egg Hunt

If you are interested in helping or just have questions about what is involved, please contact